Soroban beats the calculator 4 out of 5 rounds!
Stars and Stripes newspaper: "The abacus victory was decisive" it was a moment in which "the machine age took a step backward..."
Fast forward to 2021, and Soroban continues to beat the calculator.
Abacus, the original ancient counting tool, dates back to Greek and Roman times, evolving throughout different civilizations.
The Chinese abacus (2-top beads and 5-lower beads) was introduced to Japan in the 16th century, where it became the tool of choice for trade merchants. During the 1930s, the Japanese adapted the Chinese abacus and named it, Soroban. The Soroban (1-top bead and 4-lower beads) Is the only abacus used to visualize the beads to calculate mentally. In the hands or mind of a skilled user, it can still beat a calculator.
Originating in Japan and now used worldwide, the Soroban abacus is the most effective and most powerful tool for teaching children math, more so, mental math. Once the eyes are exposed long enough, through use, to the Soroban, you no longer need the soroban or a calculator to do the math.
Children that use the abacus to learn math can create a virtual image (anzan) of the abacus to perform mental calculations. Anzan can be likened to a virtual reality game, only this game creates synapses in the brain and promotes a healthy, bilateral brain. It would be a misfortune not to give a child the opportunity to avail himself of the incredible math skills he was born with by not giving him Abacus Mental Math training.
The science is all there. The question is, where can I find a proven course that will train my child in all three aspects of Soroban training in a way that will engage my child enough to help him gain the skill and access a curriculum that is proven to show results? That is where Abacus Mental Math comes in. Our proven curriculum is designed to help your child succeed in math and achieve the results millions of children worldwide have attained. The great challenge in our Western Hemisphere, which Abacus Mental Math has been able to solve, is to provide a proven, complete curriculum (Pre-Soroban levels, Grades 10-1, and the following Dan-levels) to bring your child the powerful results the Eastern Hemisphere has achieved in arithmetic through the Soroban. We have incorporated the Soroban Abacus Mental Math training into a fun program that will motivate your child to learn. Let me point out, the underlying secret behind an authentic abacus program it because there is no doubt it works. With our program, your child will want to practice so that it's not just dry numbers but a fun atmosphere where he can battle with other peers, earn rewards, badges, and, best of all, achieve results.
"Previous studies in the field of abacus-based mental calculation (AMC) training have shown that this training has the potential to enhance a wide variety of cognitive abilities"
Dr. Toshio Hayashi, Ms. Kimiko Kawano and Ms. Shizuko Amaiwa, are a few of experts who have done scientific research on Soroban abacus education. According to Abacus research, children can improve their cognitive abilities beyond just math. By stimulating both the left and the right sides of the brain during the training process, experts believe that abacus and image abacus (ANZAN) training is the key to optimal learning capability.
Dr. Toshio Hayashi Doctor of Engineering Professor, Osaka Prefecture University Director
Ms. Kimiko Kawano Researcher, Nippon Medical School, Center for Informatics and Sciences.
Ms. Shizuko Amaiwa Professor, Shinshu University, College of Education.